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  • Writer's picturelindsey Z

Why Autistic Individuals Love Big Heavy Coats?



Autistic individuals, like everyone else, have their unique preferences and sensory experiences that influence their clothing choices.

It's not uncommon to see some autistic people gravitate towards big and heavy coats, even in situations where others might opt for lighter or more fashionable attire.


Sensory Comfort

Autistic individuals often experience heightened sensitivities to sensory input, such as temperature, touch, and texture. The weight and warmth of big, heavy coats can provide a soothing sensory experience. The pressure from a heavy coat can offer a calming effect, similar to a gentle hug or weighted blanket, helping to regulate sensory sensitivities and reduce anxiety.

Predictable Sensations

One of the characteristics of autism is a preference for predictability and routine. Big and heavy coats offer a consistent sensory experience, as they maintain their weight and warmth regardless of the external environment. This predictability can be reassuring for autistic individuals who find comfort in knowing what to expect from their clothing.

Enhanced Sense of Security

Autistic individuals may struggle with feeling secure in unpredictable or unfamiliar situations. Wearing a big and heavy coat can provide a sense of physical and psychological security. The added weight can create a feeling of being grounded and protected, which can be especially comforting in new or overwhelming environments.

Temperature Regulation

Temperature regulation is a common challenge for autistic individuals. They may have difficulty recognizing when they are too hot or too cold. Big, heavy coats can act as a buffer against temperature fluctuations, helping autistic individuals maintain a comfortable body temperature and avoid sensory overload related to extreme temperatures.

Texture and Fabric Preferences

Many autistic individuals have specific preferences for textures and fabrics. They may find the materials used in big and heavy coats to be soothing and pleasant against their skin. Fleece linings, soft wools, or other cozy fabrics commonly found in these coats can contribute to the overall comfort and appeal.

Expression of Individuality

Autistic individuals, like anyone else, have their unique tastes and styles. Some may simply enjoy the look and feel of big and heavy coats as a fashion choice. It's essential not to generalize all autistic individuals and their preferences but rather to respect their individuality.


In summary, the affinity of many autistic individuals for big and heavy coats extends beyond mere clothing choices; it represents a profound need for sensory comfort, security, and predictability.

Everyone, regardless of their neurodiversity, can confidently express their unique style while feeling at ease in their own skin. It's a testament to the beauty of diversity and a reminder that comfort, in all its forms, is a fundamental human need that deserves our respect and support.


Image from: u/AskTashMeme

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